Chhachhi Lighthouse And Vts Station
DGLL Light House Location

In the ancient period nearby Sandhan was a busy port that was later on abandoned due to heavy silting of the waterway. There did not however exist any lighted beacon earlier at Chhachhi. In order to provide uniform coverage and important landmark for the vessels entering the Gulf of Kachchh, this lighthouse was planned during 1955-56.( the first five year plan). Chhachhi village is linked by a road to the Mandvi-Naliya highway. From Chhachhi village to the Lighthouse about one km portion is an un-metalled road which gets cut off during monsoons. Initially, a DA gas flashing light inside a 300mm cut and polished drum optic and Lantern on MS Trestle was installed in 1957. It was followed by the construction of the present Lighthouse Tower. The revolving electrically operated lighting equipment was supplied by M/s BBT, Paris. The light was commissioned into service on 15th June 1964. The emergency light source working on DA gas was replaced by 12V/100W halogen lamp on 20th May 1993. On subsequent development for establishment of VTS in GoK, a 60 mtrs RCC Radar station has been introduced and operational since Feb, 2012 at this Lighthouse premises. Main light is Make B.B.T. France, Size 250 mm (4th order large) revolving type at the Top of Lighthouse tower and the range is 19 N. Mile at Luminous and 14 N. Mile at Geographical. Pedestal is Mercury float as per tech block measure 20.5 Kg in use and Rotation device is electrically operated stepper motor for the drive system with 02 RPM. Effective beam intensity 85383 Candela.
Master Ledger of Chhachhi Lighthouse And Vts Station (1.03 MB)