Jodiya Lighthouse
DGLL Light House Location

Jodiya is a tidal port about 60 Km from Jamnagar by road .It was a Metre Gauge Rail terminal till 1978. Prior to independence Jodiya was part of erstwhile princely State of Nawanagar who had developed this port on Jodiya creek and the rail link was also extended up to the port (Bandar). It was a busy port having trade links with Arab countries. The traffic at this port went down subsequently reducing it to a fishing port. The activities at Jodiya port picked up during 1970s. The Lighthouse is about 4 km away from Jodiya Town. It is a solid circular tower, 8 metres high built on the northern end of the quay wall in the year 1903. The light was placed on a high-level cast Iron pedestal. It was a Kerosene wick lamp inside a 6th order optic and was commissioned into service on 15th March 1903. The equipment was supplied by M/s. Chance Bros., Birmingham. The same equipment remained in service for ninety years when the improvement work of the Lighthouse was taken up. A solar-operated flashing light (JLWL) replaced the wick lamp and the new equipment was installed over the modified tower on 12th February 1993. The LH was severely damaged due to Earthquake on 26th January 2001 and the operation of light was affected. A new GI trestle was erected and the light was shifted on to this tower on 30th June 2002. Further Jyoti Punj flasher was replaced by high intensity LED lantern on 10.10.2021.
New LED Flasher Light:-
Navaid Energy’s Marine LED Lantern Model- NE-9A is a Three-Tier Lantern comes with a range of 12NM with 200mm Polycarbonate UV Stabilized Lens for long term use, cost effective, maintenance free service, can be easily installed. The Tri LED Lens system gives it better in its class illumination and accurate beam of light.
Master Ledger of Jodiya Lighthouse(861.01 KB)