V.T.S Radar Station Chudeshwar
DGLL Light House Location

V.T.S RADAR Station Chudeshwar is located near village Chudeshwar. Chudeshwar village is 4Km away from VTS Station. Chudeshwar is a small village located in Jamnagar district of Gujarat state at a distance of 80Km of district headquarter Jamnagar. Nearest Railway Station is Khambhaliya at 30Km away from V.T.S RADAR Station Chudeshwar and 285Km away from headquarter Gandhidham. Out of nine V.T.S Station of V.T.S Project in GOK, one of the V.T.S Station Chudeshwar is established here. 60 Meter height Round RCC Tower with Red and white straps constructed for installation of RADAR and other V.T.S equipment’s. V.TS system commissioned on 13-02-2012. V.T.S RADAR Station Chudeshwar is an important Station working under V.T.S Directorate Gandhidham, Ministry of Ports, Shipping, & Waterways, Government of India. V.T.S is meant for providing proper Vessel traffic service and Surveillance along Gulf of Kutch of Gujarat.
Master Ledger of V.T.S Radar Station Chudeshwar (744.55 KB)