Achara Point Lighthouse

Achara point Lighthouse is situated on Hillock of Munge village(Aadbandar),Taluka Devgad in SIndhudurg district.The nearest railway station is Kankavli by road.The station is situated approximately 52 kms from Kankavli,37 kms from Malvan and 29 kms from Devgad city,07 kms from Munge village out of which 04 kms road and rest by walk.Achara point lighthouse was established in the year 2014.The nearest tourist spot is Achara beach. The Lighthouse tower is Circular Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC) of height 17m.The Lighthouse serves as an important guide to mariners and local fishermen.
Master Ledger of Achara Point Lighthouse(1.27 MB)