Honnavar Lighthouse

Honnavar Lighthouse was originally under administrative control of Karnataka Port Department and the same was taken over by DGLL in the year 2007 for improvement/reestablishment.The Lighthouse is situated in Honnavar town within the civil hospital compound and is well connected by rail and road,nearest railway station is Honnavar station is part of Konkan railway route which is about 6 KM away from the lighthouse premises.The national Highway NH-66 also passes through Honnavar town which is adjacent to the civil hospital compound where lighthouse is situated.The Honavar Lighthouse tower is Octagonal Reinforced Cement Concrete(RCC) column tower of height 21 meters.The station is also act as Physical Shore Station under the National Automatic Identification System(NAIS) network established by DGLL in the year 2012.Honnavar Lighthouse act as aids to navigation to mariners and local fishermen.
Master Ledger of Honnavar Lighthouse(1 MB)