The St. George Island Lighthouse

The St. George Island ( Ilhas de San Jorge ) is a group of three islands situated about 6.5 Km South-west ward of Mormugao port and can be approached by a mechanized boat (launch) from Mormugao port. The two Southern Islands are known as Grandi Islands. They are connected by a narrow reef. During 1950‟s a conspicuous day mark existed on the summit which was replaced with the 2.5m high triangular trestle tower during 1956 and a fixed oil wick lamp was placed over it. In the year 1960, a DA gas light with sun valve control was installed over the same trestle tower. In the year 1975-77 construction of a new RCC tower on the summit of West Island was taken up and completed. The DA gas equipment with sun valve was installed over it on 29th December 1977. It has a red sector of 400. Under the scheme of usage of renewable source of energy the Solar panels charging Batteries and 12V 100W halogen lamp were installed in place of DA gas equipment. The new system with electromechanical flasher was commissioned on 27th February 1996. The electromechanical flasher was replaced by electronic flasher on 31st August 1999.
Master Ledger of The St. George Island Lighthouse(1.32 MB)