Vengurla Point Lighthouse

Vengurla Point Lighthouse is 3 km from Vengurla Town by forest road. Nearest Railway station is Kudal on Konkan Railway. The railway station about 22 km away from Vengurla town. The Nh-17 is about 8 km from Vengurla town. The station is about 70 m above sea level. Vengurla port is just below the LH station connected by the steps. Initially in 1869 there was a wick lamp light inside a lantern with 5th order optic working on vegetable oil, was exhibited from a 3.1 m high wooden mast on the roof of the building (presently Inspection Quarter). The equipment underwent improvements in 1911 and 1919.A storm warning signal mast was erected during the period. Subsequently a DA gas flasher on a trestle replaced the earlier light in 1964. The present Lighthouse Tower was constructed during 1965-68. The optical equipment operating on electricity supplied by M/s BBT, Paris was installed and the red filter was introduced. The new light was commissioned into service on 15th March 1968. The emergency source was changed over from DA gas to 12V 100 W-halogen lamp inside 200 mm lantern on 26th February 1995 mounted separately outside the lantern house.The station act as physical shore station(PSS) under the National Automatic Idenfication System(NAIS) network established by DGLL in the year 2017.The Vengurla Point station serves as NAVTEX(Navigational Telex) station providing vital Maritime Safety Information to mariners.
Master Ledger of Vengurla Point Lighthouse(1.23 MB)