Vengurla Rocks Lighthouse

The Vengurla Rocks is an archipelago consisting of 20 large rocks and some small rocks also. The old lighthouse is located on Burnt island. It was constructed in the 1800s by the British. This was the first lighthouse built by the British in the 1800’s. Back in the day, the lighting apparatus that was to be installed did not reach there on time, and it was then decided to burn a log fire as a source of light . The new Cast Iron lighthouse tower was built in 1931 by John Oswald, who was then the chief inspector of lighthouses. Located close to the lighthouse, there is another islet called Bird Island. This islet got its name from the many unique species of birds which are found on this island. This island is famous for being a nesting site for birds, specifically the Bridled Tern and Indian Swiftlet. More than one lakh Indian Swiftlets or, the Indian Edible-nest Swiftlet, visit and breed at Vengurla Rocks.Vengurla Rocks Lighthouse is about approximately 20 km north from Vengurla port and is approached, during fair seasons only by a mechanized boat to be specially engaged from Vengurla port. The journey takes more than two hours. The steps have been cut in the rock for climbing up from landing point.
The coastal region from Vengurla point to Nivati fort in north-west has several high rise rocks inside the sea. The Vengurla rock or Burnt Island consists of a group of rocks rising 20 to 50 m above sea level.
This Lighthouse is purely operated with solar energy; no domestic power supply is connected due to Remote Island. Lighthouse Station is strategically very important for mariners under the programme of utilizing solar power at remote lighthouses; the change over from PV to Electrical light at Vengurla Rock was planned. Accordingly the light source has been replaced by 3 Nos. 230V, 70W Metal halide lamps. For power supply a large Battery bank charged by adequate number of SPV modules, Inverter and Gen-set were installed at the station in 2002. The new system was commissioned on 25th November 2002.
The light was upgraded to Wealth Marine WM – RB 500 Marine Rotating Beacon on 11.03.2008.
Master Ledger of Vengurla Rocks Lighthouse(1.32 MB)