Jhanjhmer Lighthouse

Jhanjhmer is a remote village west of Gopnath LH approachable from Talaja -Gopnath road via Pithalpur. It was an important check point of the State of Bhavnagar in the olden days. There was a fort built on the hillock on the outskirts of the village to house a battery of cannons and a contingent of soldiers to keep watch on the vessels sailing toward the gulf of Khambhat. In a portion of the fort a hutment was provided over which an ordinary wick lamp used to be kept since 1870. In 1931 a red chimney was introduced. This was replaced by white light in 300 mm optic in 1936. The same equipment with some modifications was retained in 1955. For some period a petromax was also used as a light source. The old hut was dismantled and a masonry cabin was built in its place in 1970. A lantern house and the optical equipment with a DA gas burner & flasher was installed on the cabin. The light was re-exhibited on 15th July 1970. The DA gas burner and flasher was replaced in 1993 by halogen lamp with electronic flasher (JLWL) and batteries to be charged by Solar energy. The new equipment was commissioned into service on 3rd March 1993. The fort is now in ruins.
Master Ledger of Jhanjhmer Lighthouse (268.45 KB)