Kachchigadh Lighthouse

The Kachchigadh Lighthouse is about 3 Km from Dwarka – Okha highway. The buses ply between Dwarka and Shivrajpur village near Kachchigadh. Kachchigadh is a fort situated at the head of a shallow bay making it a good landing point on the sandy beach. The fort of the size of 45m x 45m x 15m height was built in 1720-21 by the ruler of Kachchh Maharao Deshalji. An eleven metre high black masonry unlit beacon known as Mojap beacon was also built at a location 2.5 km north of the fort. The fort provided shelter and safety to the Kachchhi vessels. The facility for emergency repairs of boats, provision of ration and water was also made available. Round the clock vigil was maintained from the fort to prevent sea piracy. The near by Shivrajpur village was established during early 19th century by Baroda state. A battery operated flashing light started functioning from the top of a cabin since 20th March 1977. It was the first light in this region. This followed commissioning of a `Racon‟ (Marconi make) on 15th October 1978. The PRB-21 lighting equipment, supplied by M/s Asia Navigation Aids, New Delhi, installed on the newly constructed 30m RCC tower and was commissioned into service on 30th March 1983. The flashing light was withdrawn and `Racon‟ was shifted on to the new Tower. In order to save on energy the imported sealed beam lamps were replaced in September 1997 by auto head lamps with 100W halogen lamps. The light house was damaged during earth quake on 26th January 2001 but was restored immediately.
Master Ledger of Kachchigadh Lighthouse (266.57 KB)