Androth is the only island in Lakshadweep, lying East to West. All other islands lie North to South. There has been regular Sailing vessel traffic between Beypore and Androth. Most of the vessels and country crafts sailing to other islands also touch Androth for change over / replenishment. There is a regular passenger vessel service every week from Cochin to Andhroth. It is an important island for its size and population. Its importance is also due to the Saint Ubaidulla who preached Islam to the Islanders, lies buried here His grave is the sacred place. Preachers from Androth are deeply respected in these islands and in countries of far East. Androth is the Taluka head quarters. Though not included in early 20th century list of lights, but there was a beacon existing on the Eastern coast of island since the end of 19th century. This must have been destroyed during one of the cyclones. No remains of any lighthouse are seen now. The UT Administration pressed during 1950s to establish a modern lighthouse on this island urgently. Accordingly the Madras office of the Deptt of Lighthouses & Lightships first erected a 15 m wooden trestle at the corner of the present site 3 km away from jetty, in 1962. A DA gas flasher in 300 mm optic was installed on the trestle and was commissioned in the year 1963. Simultaneously the construction of a masonry lighthouse tower was planned on which work began in 1964. The tower was completed in 1966 and installation of DA gas equipment was taken up immediately there after. The lighthouse was commissioned on 1st May 1967. The DA gas equipment was replaced by an electronic flasher and incandescent lamp on 20th May 1991. The Racon of MACE origin was also installed simultaneously which became operational on 25th May 1991.The nearest Post office, Dispensary, High School, Police Station are available at at Androth Island port also available in the island. One police staion available in the is island approximately 500 m from lighthouse to police station. Arounded 4 km from lighthouse all government institutions are available in this Island.
Master Ledger of ANDROTH EAST LIGHTHOUSE(930.48 KB)