Kasaragod region, prior to independence was part of South Canara district of Madras presidency directly under British Administration. It was included in the newly created state of Kerala after the re-organization of states on 1st November 1956. Kasaragod is well connected by Rail (SR) and Road (NH-17). There did not exist any lighthouse at Kasaragod prior to the present one. The Port entrance was identified by two masts each surmounted by a white ball. The construction of the present RCC Lighthouse Tower was taken up during 1982 and completed in 1984. The PRB-21 equipment supplied by ANA, New Delhi was installed and commissioned into service on 15th September 1984. The sealed beam lamps were replaced by auto headlights with Halogen lamps in December 1994. PRB 21 equipment replaced with TRB 220 of M/s Tideland in March 2009.
Master Ledger of KASARGOD LIGHTHOUSE(793.04 KB)