Vizhinjam, close to kerala’s famous Kovalam beach resort is a natural fishing harbour. It is about 16 Km from Trivandrum. An all-weather road connects Vizhinjam to trivandrum (Thiruvananthapuram). It was a flourishing port during 18-19th century. There is no sign of any lighted beacon of 18th century at Vilinjam. But there must be existing a day mark beacon (flag mast) to assist the vessels enter the port. The port remained neglected since the end of 19th century. A lighted beacon was established in 1925 at nearby Kolachal. Subsequently a day mark beacon was provided at Vizhinjam during 1960. A major Lighthouse and completed in 1972.The equipment, supplied by M/s.BBT, Paris was then installed and commissioned into service on 20th May 1972. The incandescent lamp was replaced by 230 V 450 W Metal halide lamp and the direct drive system was incorporated on 30th April, 2003.
Master Ledger of VIZHINJAM LIGHTHOUSE (1.09 MB)