Poompuhar Lighthouse

The nearest Post office, Dispensary, High School, Police Station are available at Kaveri poompattinam. The Nearest port is at Karaikkal, which is about 45 kms away from Poompuhar. The nearest Railway Station is at Sirkazhi which is about 20 Kms away from Poompuhar and the nearest Airport is at Puducherry which is about 110 kms away from Poompuhar.
The southern coromandel Coast mostly within the territory of Tamilnadu state is thick with history. This history is not only of the European colonization but goes back to the ancient times when many places along the Coast were centres of international trade. One such place which is said to have flourished from 200 BC onward is Poompuhar. Also called Puhar, is an ancient city near the mouth of the Kaveri river located in the Mayiladuthurai District of Tamilnadu. As per archaeological evidence during excavation, this age-old city is said to have been established thousands of years ago. The seaside town which was once the second capital of the Chola dynasty and a major item of exports from here. The ancient port as destroyed and is now found by the archaeologists submerged off the coast for up to 5 kms. and erosion of land or a tsunami have been cited as possible causes. Poompuhar Lighthouse is established by the Government of India in the Year 2010.
Master Ledger of Poompuhar Lighthouse(355.14 KB)