Arnala Lighthouse

Arnala Lighthouse is about 10 km West by road from Virar Railway station (Mumbai-Surat Trunk Route). Regular transport is available from Virar for proceeding to Arnala. There is a pucca road up to the lighthouse. The coast is about 300 m away from the lighthouse. There is a small island off the coast near the entrance to the creek on northern side. A fort was built on this island by the Portuguese in 16th century, which served as a prominent land mark. Arnala is an important fishing port since centuries. The earliest light here was an ordinary oil lamp hoisted from a mast provided in 1860 which was later improved. In 1907 an iron frame was erected on Custom deptt‟s plot. A single burner oil wick lamp inside a 6th order optic was installed on this tower. The lighthouse was placed under the supervision of custom officials. In January 1927 Mr D..Alan Stevenson, the lighthouse expert visited the station and found the light grossly inadequate and recommended for its shifting. A flashing DA gas light replaced the kerosene light in 1962. It used to be exhibited only during the fair season. A new 15 m MS trestle tower replaced the earlier structure and a DA gas flasher inside 300 mm optic and a sun valve were installed over this tower in 1967. The light was now made available throughout the year. A new storm warning signal mast was also erected during the same year. Under the scheme of modernization a new 30 m GI trestle with arrangement to hoist storm warning signals was erected in 1996 and a revolving light (Tideland make) was installed over it. The new light was commissioned on 24thJune 1996. A separate emergency light with 12V 100W halogen lamp working on electronic flasher was installed in September 1999.
Master Ledger of Arnala Lighthouse(339.88 KB)