Chaul kadu lighthouse

Chaul kadu light house can be approached by a machine boat to be engaged from Korlai village fishing port. The time taken to reach Chaul kadu is about 1½ hour sailing (about 4 NM). The fort at Chaul village on the north side of the creek was the only land mark for entering to Revdanda port up to the 17th century. Chaul Kadu reefs are submerged rocks, about 6 km west of the entrance to Revdanda Port in Kundalika Bay. In order to identify the danger zone of Chaul Khadu reefs, a red light sector of 10 has been incorporated in Khanderi Island (Kanhoji Angre) Lighthouse. However for the day mark a circular stone masonry Tower with a refuge chamber was constructed on Chaul Kadu reef during 1867-70. The refuge chamber was of great assistance to the crew of the crafts in distress. An ordinary wick lamp was placed on the tower in 1870. It was improved by placing an optic and red filter in 1935. In 1962 DA gas equipment with sun valve was installed and put in operation on 15thApril 1962. The DA gas equipment was replaced by solar powered electromechanical flasher with electronic controls and halogen lamp on 28th March 1996. The electronic flasher (JLWL) was introduced in place of electromechanical flasher on 15th November 1999.
Master Ledger of Chaul kadu lighthouse (331.4 KB)