Jaigarh Lighthouse

Jaigarh Lighthouse is situated on the South-West point of Jaigad head land (flat cliff) and Southern side of Jaigad Creek. Sangmeshwar river flows into the Jaigad Creek forming a well sheltered Harbour. A light is exhibited from a bastion of Jaigad fort and another from near the custom house whenever vessels call on during the night. This was a regular port of call for the Bombay-Goa passenger ferry service in the past. Jaigad village is about 3 km East of the Lighthouse and is connected by a 45 km metalled road up to NH-17. In 1896 a fixed light used to be exhibited from the bastion of Jaigad Fort. It was shifted to Jaigad head land position and placed on an iron frame structure erected in 1899.The equipment was replaced by an occulting light inside a 5th order optic in 1910. The bastion light was then converted to Red light. The present Cast Iron Lighthouse Tower was erected in 1932 and PV equipment was commissioned into service on 30th March 1933. The uppermost portion of the Cast Iron casing of the tower serves as murrette of the lantern. The entire work was carried out under the supervision of Mr. John Oswald, Chief Inspector of Lighthouses (Later Engineer in Chief, Indian Lighthouse Services). The tower and equipments were supplied by BBT, Paris and erection carried out by M/s Chance Bros., Birmingham. The equipment gave a fruitful service up till 1995 when the PV Burner was replaced by Metal halide lamp on 11th June 1995. The direct drive system was incorporated in March 1999. The light source was changed to 230V, 3 X 70 W MH cluster Lamps & UPS on 31st July 2003. The station also has a storm warning signal hoisting mast.
Master Ledger of Jaigarh Lighthouse (331.75 KB)