Nanwel Point Lighthouse

Nanwel village is connected by a circuitous route via Shrivardhan. The shorter route is by boat via Dighi from Murud side. From Nanwel there is a footpath, across the fields and the valley to reach the summit on which Lighthouse is situated. Prior to independence this territory formed part of Janjira state ruled by Sidi Nawabs who drew their origin to Abyssinian Syeds. The title Syedi got changed to Sidi and Jazira meaning island came to be known as Janjira with passage of time. There is a reef known as Whale reef in the sea south west from the Lighthouse cliff which is covered by the red sector of Auxiliary light. The Nanwell point overlooks the Janjira Fort built an islet on the mouths of Rajpuri River. Due to its strategic location there must be a beacon on Rajpuri point (Nanwell point) established in16th century. But details are not known. The conventional wick lamp light on a masonry tower at this location started functioning in1884 A 6th order dioptric apparatus and mirrors with two wick oil burners and light occulted by a tube lowered and raised mechanically over the burner was installed in 1895.A red sector to cover the danger of whale reef was also incorporated. The lighthouse used to be visited regularly for checking by a PWD Supervisor from Colaba.
The station was visited by Mr D. Alan Stevenson, Lighthouse Expert in January 1927 who found lighthouse being maintained in poor state and suggested certain improvements which were attended to in 1930. The Rajpuri Lighthouse was locally known as Nanoli lighthouse. It was classified as a local lighthouse by the Govt of India in 1930 with effect from 1st April 1929 and 25% cost of maintenance was there after shared by them under the Lighthouse Act XXVII of 1927. Mr John Oswald, Chief Inspector of Lighthouses inspected the station on 4th February 1930. He found the functioning of lighthouse satisfactory. During 1960-63 a new masonry Tower was constructed and a PV revolving equipment and 4th order optic assembly supplied by M/s. Stone Chance, Birmingham, was installed on the new tower and was commissioned into service on 15th July 1964.The Auxiliary light with Red filter to cover the danger zone of Whale reef, also installed at a lower level on the same tower was also commissioned on 15th July 1964. The mains supply was extended upto the Lighthouse station in 1994. The PV source was then removed and incandescent lamp was fitted in its place. During 1996 the emergency light and Auxiliary light working on Batteries was installed. The incandescent lamp was replaced by 230V 400W metal halide lamp on 30th November 1999.
Master Ledger of Nanwel Point Lighthouse(390.05 KB)