Prongs reef Lighthouse

Prongs reef is extending for about 4 Km South West of Colaba towards the entrance point of Bombay harbours. The Lighthouse is approachable during low tides from Navy establishment. A motor launch has to be arranged through Mumbai Port Trust authorities to approach the Lighthouse during high tides. There were more than 50 wrecks reported in the Bombay harbour region during the 18th century calling for urgent action to build a Lighthouse off Colaba. At that time a few tombs at Colaba and the Mark house on Mazagaon hill were the only land marks for the vessels entering the harbour. The Portuguese had occupied the island of Bombay in the early 16th century and transferred the territory to the British on 12th March 1668. They had built a watch tower on the old woman‟s island (Colaba) which was modified and converted into a Lighthouse by the British port authorities during 1768-71. It was improved in 1799-1800 and a powerful wick lamp in a lantern with 4th order optic was placed in position. The Lighthouse was upgraded to the level of major light in 1844 and came to be known as Colaba Lighthouse. It was the first major lighthouse in British India followed by another at Madras during the same year. In 1842 a light ship `Colaba‟ was placed in position to mark entrance to fair way and in 1843 light ship „Shannon‟ was positioned near Sunk rock (later a lighthouse was built on Sunk rock in 1884). A beacon was also raised on Dolphin rock in 1856. In 1869-70, construction of a new Lighthouse was taken up on South West edge of Prongs Reef. The completion of Lighthouse took abnormally long time and was completed in 1874. The first order optical equipment with 55mm PV burner supplied by M/s.Chance Bros., Birmingham was installed and commissioned in to service in 1875. The Colaba Lighthouse had become obsolete and was discontinued the same year. In the year 1912 an 85 mm burner replaced 55 mm burner. The same equipment is still in service.
Master Ledger of Prongs reef Lighthouse(377.26 KB)