Ratnagiri Town and DGPS Station

Ratnagiri Town is situated on Konkan Railway and is11 km West of NH-17. The Lighthouse stands on the south bastion of the fort. There is a road linking fort with Ratnagiri town. The passage by the side of Fort wall leads to the Lighthouse. The port authorities of Ratnagiri port had established a beacon of stone mound on the bastion during the early 18th century for the vessels to enter the bay. After the British moved into the region, they improved the existing beacon and also constructed a 10 m. masonry tower in 1867 on which a wick lamp inside a drum optic of 6th order was placed and put into operation. The old beacon was removed. In 1940 the masonry Tower was replaced by a 12.5m Steel Trestle Tower and a DA gas flashing light was introduced. This light had red sector also. A mast was erected adjacent to tower for hoisting storm warning signals. Under the scheme improvement of Lighthouses on Indian Coast a new 15m Masonry Tower was constructed here during 1962–64 and a stone chance 3rd order optical equipment working on electricity was installed and commissioned in to service on 15th June 1965.The red sector was removed from the light and a separate Auxiliary light with Red filter was placed on a pedestal provided near the tower. The Radio Beacon (MACE) 400W transmitting on 308 kHz was added in 1992. A Racon (Tideland) was installed on the tower on 20th July 1995. The light source was replaced by Metal halide Lamp on 15th May 1998.The station also has a storm warning signal hoisting mast. The DGPS equipment manufactured by M/s Leica Geo Systems, U.S.A. and supplied by M/s. Elcom Marine, Mumbai was integrated on 30th November 2002, converting Radio Beacon to DGPS station.The Transmitters were replaced by Ex-Aguada Nautel Transmitter, which is due to be replaced by SAC (USA) Transmitter.
Master Ledger of Ratnagiri Town and DGPS Station(411.94 KB)