Samiyani North Island Lighthouse Station
DGLL Light House Location

Samiyani island is situated off Okha Lighthouse separated by about 1 km wide shoal. The island provided an ideal shelter to Okha Harbor. Samiyani can be approached without the restriction of tides at any time from Okha Port. The region of Okha and islands in the vicinity came under the control of Wagher dynasty in the 14th century.They made their capital at Arambhada, a village 5 km North of Okha. The inhabitants subsequently came to be known as Waghers (of Okha) who in course of time tool to sea piracy and looting the pilgrimage due to mainly to the failure of monsoons for years. After the British troops cleared Dwarka of Waghers in 1820s and also defeating them in the rest of the region during 1860s, they handed over the territory to Gaikwad of Baroda state. The crafts heading for these ports took bearing from a tomb on the 12 m high mound on Samiyani Island. Towards the mid-19th century a flag staff with an arrangement for hoisting an oil lamp, was erected by the side of tomb. Baroda state built a 20 m high Lighthouse tower with dressed sandstones at the center of the island in 1876. An oil lamp in a lantern was exhibited from this tower since April 1876. A drum optic was introduced in the lantern in April 1893. In 1927, a 4th order Optic replaced the old one. The lantern was improved by fitting two separate red filter covering Chandri and Paga reef. In 1957 DA gas flashing burner was introduced. The optic was replaced by a 500 mm optic in 1962. The Electronic flasher (JLWL) operating on solar energy, on 7th March 1994. Electronic flasher is replaced by LED Lantern since 25/04/2016. The Platinum jubilee celebration of the Deptt were inaugurated at this island Lighthouse by the Hon. Minister of Shipping Shri.V.P Goyal, on September 2002
Master Ledger of Samiyani North Island Lighthouse Station(537.43 KB)