Kadmat Island is situated north of Amini Island. The two islands are separated by a deep sea channel of about two km width. Kadmat is a long strip island of 8 km length and of an average width of 500 m. After Androth and Minicoy, Kadmat island has the thick growth of coconut palms. A ship wrecked on the reefs of this island in 1977. The regular anchorage is charted off the southern tip. The sailing to the entrance into lagoon and then up to the jetty takes more than an hour. The passenger vessel from Cochin visits almost every week. The Lighthouse is about 4.5 Km from Kadmat Jetty. A transport can be arranged for going to lighthouse. There was not any light provided on the island earlier to this present lighthouse although there was demand since long to establish one. In the year 1983 it was decided to provide a light on the northern tip of the island. Accordingly, a 30m G.I. trestle tower supplied by M/s Kerala Electrical & Allied Industries Ltd, Cochin, was erected and 300mm equipment supplied by Madras Lighthouse Workshop was installed on the tower. The DA gas equipment was commissioned on 28th May 1984. Under the program of modernization, the DA gas equipment was replaced by JLWL equipment with a „Jyoti Punj‟ electronic flasher operating on batteries charged by solar panels.
Master Ledger of KADAMAT LIGHTHOUSE(821.98 KB)