Manakkodam Lighthouse

The Manakkodam Lighthouse is about 40 km south of Cochin and 8 Km from Pattankad on NH-47. There is a metalled road up to the Lighthouse. There is a shallow bay in front of the Lighthouse. It is the main source of fishing. A network of brackish water canals and ponds for Prawn culture has been developed in the region. The region was part of Trvancore state prior to independence. Travancore state was merged with Kerala state on 1st November 1956. There was not any system of aids to navigation in this region earlier to this Lighthouse main purpose of which is to assist the coastal shipping. A 30m cylindrical tower was first planned in 1972 which had to be changed to a four column RCC structure supporting a service room in order to reduce the load on the foundation wells due to the weak substrate. The completion of the project was considerably delayed. The tower could be completed in 1979 and the equipment supplied by M/s. J. Stone, India, was installed on it. The lighthouse was commissioned on the 1st August 1979. Subsequently, the incandescent light source was replaced by a 230 V 400W Metal halide lamp on 21st September 1998. The direct drive system was also integrated simultaneously. MH lamp 400W was replaced with cluster of 230V, 150W-3 Nos. on 22/11/2006.
Master Ledger of Manakkodam Lighthouse(928.39 KB)