Painting to the cast iron Lighthouse Tower,30m High Aerial Mast trestle towers (02) and Navtex trestle tower (01) at Keating Point Lighthouse & DGPS Station, Car Nicobar

Painting to the cast iron Lighthouse Tower,30m High Aerial Mast trestle towers (02) and Navtex trestle tower (01) at Keating Point Lighthouse & DGPS Station, Car NicobarDate of Opening BidTender Date30/04/2024 - 15/05/2024Extended Start DateReference Number CM-PB-01003/1/2022-CM-PB
Download(12.31 MB)Painting to the cast iron Lighthouse Tower,30m High Aerial Mast trestle towers (02) and Navtex trestle tower (01) at Keating Point Lighthouse & DGPS Station, Car Nicobar