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Azaadi G20

Mawadi Point Beacon


Mawadi beacon is about 3Km from Piroton island lighthouse and can be approached by walk during low tide when the reef is dry. The beacon is also approachable from Bedi port during the high tides by boat. The beacon warns the mariners about the shows stretching out in the North-East off Pirotan island. A 6 m high stone masonry mound was built at this site during 1865-67 which served as a day mark for the vessels cruising to Bedi port. The mound was raised and improved in 1898 when the construction of main lighthouse on Pirotan island was nearing completion. An iron trestle frame was fixed on the mound in 1928 and an oil wick lamp inside 150 mm optic and Red filter was installed over the iron frame. The equipment was supplied by M/s Chance Bros, Birmingham. Subsequently in 1958 the entire structure was further improved and a DA gas flashing light inside 300mm optic with red filter (AGA make) was placed on he trestle Tower. The light was commissioned into service simultaneously with main Pirotan lighthouse on 5th February 1958. During 1970 the Lighthouse structure was altered and a masonry cabin on the circular masonry base was provided for storing DA gas cylinders. The equipment was now placed on the roof of the cabin.. A sun valve was integrated into the equipment to regulate the operation of light. The DA gas equipment was replaced by electronic flasher (JLWL) and batteries charged by solar energy and were commissioned into service on 28th July 1993. During the devastating cyclone of July 1998 the upper portion of the structure was sheered off. As such the light was shifted on to a GI pedestal over the masonry base. The repairs to damaged portions were completed in 2000.

Master Ledger of Mawadi Point Beacon(523.4 KB)Mawadi Point Beacon