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Azaadi G20

Archived Tenders

Sr. No. Title Directorate Start & End Date Date of Opening BID Download Corrigendum
61 Supply and Installation of ON Grid and OFF Grid Solar Inverter at various Lighthouses under Kolkata Directorate. Kolkata 21/08/2024 - 05/09/2024 06/09/2024 Download(372.6 KB)Supply and Installation of ON Grid and OFF Grid  Solar Inverter at various Lighthouses under  Kolkata Directorate.
62 Work Contract for issuing tickets and Regulating visitors at Lighthouse stations under Chennai Directorate for the period from 01.09.2024 to 31.03.2025. Chennai 14/08/2024 - 23/08/2024 26/08/2024 Download(547.29 KB)Work Contract for issuing tickets and Regulating visitors at Lighthouse stations under Chennai Directorate for the period from 01.09.2024 to 31.03.2025.
63 Conducting Technical cum Commercial Feasibility Study for installation of Lift at Poompuhar, Kodikkarai, Nagapattinam, Mallipattinam and Kilakkarai Lighthouses. Chennai 08/08/2024 - 29/08/2024 30/08/2024 Download(144.45 KB)Conducting Technical cum Commercial Feasibility Study for installation of Lift at Poompuhar, Kodikkarai, Nagapattinam, Mallipattinam and Kilakkarai Lighthouses.
64 Conducting Technical cum Commercial Feasibility Study for installation of Lift at Poompuhar, Kodikkarai, Nagapattinam, Mallipattinam and Kilakkarai Lighthouses. Chennai 30/05/2024 - 29/07/2024 30/07/2024 Feasibilitystudycancellation.pdf (79.19 KB)
65 Special Civil Maintenance to Lighthouse Tower and allied buildings including improvement of Internal Roads/Pathways and provision of Bio-toilets at Kuthenkuli Lighthouse in Chennai Directorate. Chennai 08/08/2024 - 29/08/2024 30/08/2024 Download(860.19 KB)Special Civil Maintenance to Lighthouse Tower and allied buildings including improvement of Internal Roads/Pathways and provision of Bio-toilets at Kuthenkuli Lighthouse in Chennai Directorate.
66 Special repairs and civil maintenance of Lighthouse tower, allied buildings and compound wall etc. at Ammapattinam Lighthouse station. Chennai 08/08/2024 - 29/08/2024 30/08/2024 Download(1.03 MB)Special repairs and civil maintenance of Lighthouse tower, allied buildings and compound wall etc. at Ammapattinam Lighthouse station.
67 Special Repair and Civil Maintenance of Lighthouse Tower, Compound wall etc. at Karaikal Lighthouse. Chennai 11/07/2024 - 19/08/2024 20/08/2024 EXTKaraikalCM24II.pdf (664.52 KB)
68 Special Repairs and civil maintenance to the Lighthouse tower, allied buildings and compound wall and increasing the height of compound wall at Passipattinam Lighthouse. Chennai 09/07/2024 - 19/08/2024 20/08/2024 EXTPassiCM24II.pdf (476.3 KB)
69 Civil maintenance and Repairs to the Lighthouse Tower, staff quarters compound wall etc., at Olakuda Rameswaram. Chennai 30/07/2024 - 20/08/2024 21/08/2024 Download(343.87 KB)Civil maintenance and Repairs to the Lighthouse Tower, staff quarters compound wall etc., at Olakuda Rameswaram.
70 Demolition & disposal of damaged old Lighthouse tower of Kiltan (N) Lighthouse, UT of Lakshadweep Kochi 27/07/2024 - 06/08/2024 07/08/2024 Download(1.47 MB)Demolition & disposal of damaged old Lighthouse tower of Kiltan (N) Lighthouse, UT of Lakshadweep
71 Special Repair and Civil Maintenance of Lighthouse Tower, Compound wall etc. at Karaikal Lighthouse. Chennai 11/07/2024 - 05/08/2024 06/08/2024 EXTKaraikalCM24_0.pdf (102.62 KB)
72 Conducting Technical cum Commercial Feasibility Study for installation of Lift at Poompuhar, Kodikkarai, Nagapattinam, Mallipattinam and Kilakkarai Lighthouses. Chennai 12/07/2024 - 29/07/2024 30/07/2024 TechCorrigendumFeasibilitystudyII.pdf (302.97 KB)
73 Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 01 number, 10 passengers (680Kg) machine room less Lift with SS Glass Cabin at Puducherry DGNSS Station. Chennai 08/07/2024 - 13/08/2024 14/08/2024 EXTPuducherrylift.pdf (86.16 KB)
74 Engagement of Independent Engineer for the project - Development of tourism at Mahabalipuram Lighthouse on PPP basis. Chennai 13/05/2024 - 30/07/2024 31/07/2024 EXTIndeEngineerIV.pdf (638.63 KB)
75 Modification work to the Lighthouse Tower at Azhikod Lighthouse & DGNSS Station Kochi 22/07/2024 - 21/08/2024 23/08/2024 Download(865.44 KB)Modification work to the Lighthouse Tower at Azhikod Lighthouse & DGNSS Station
76 Special Repairs and civil maintenance to the Lighthouse tower, allied buildings and compound wall and increasing the height of compound wall at Passipattinam Lighthouse. Chennai 09/07/2024 - 05/08/2024 06/08/2024 EXTPassiCM24.pdf (642.47 KB)
77 Fabrication, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of LTCT Panel, Fuse Panel and Distribution Panelfor Augmentation of power supply to Static Sensors phase II at Pulicat, Portonova and Nagapatinam lighthouses under Chennai Directorate Chennai 22/07/2024 - 05/08/2024 22/07/2024 Download(153.65 KB)Fabrication, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of LTCT Panel, Fuse Panel and Distribution Panelfor Augmentation of power supply to Static Sensors  phase II at Pulicat, Portonova and Nagapatinam lighthouses under Chennai Directorate
78 Design, Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of 01 number, 13 passengers (884 Kg) machine room less Lift with SS Glass Cabin at Pulicat DGNSS Station. Chennai 16/07/2024 - 07/08/2024 08/08/2024 Download(348.96 KB)Design, Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of 01 number, 13 passengers (884 Kg) machine room less Lift with SS Glass Cabin at Pulicat DGNSS Station.
79 Conducting Technical cum Commercial Feasibility Study for installation of Lift at Poompuhar, Kodikkarai, Nagapattinam, Mallipattinam and Kilakkarai Lighthouses. Chennai 12/07/2024 - 29/07/2024 30/07/2024 Download(650.26 KB)Conducting Technical cum Commercial Feasibility Study for installation of Lift at Poompuhar, Kodikkarai, Nagapattinam, Mallipattinam and Kilakkarai Lighthouses. TechCorrigendumFeasibilitystudy.pdf (414.01 KB)
80 Conducting Technical cum Commercial Feasibility Study for installation of Lift at Poompuhar, Kodikkarai, Nagapattinam, Mallipattinam and Kilakkarai Lighthouses. Chennai 30/05/2024 - 23/07/2024 24/07/2024 RetenderFeasibilitystudy.pdf (301.3 KB)